Beware Of These 10 Dangerous American Species

Getting stung by a bug is never fun, but it's rarely dangerous—unless you get bitten by one of these insects. There are far more hazardous countries than the United States of America when it comes to poisonous creatures (I’m looking at you, Australia). But, still, there are several species that you should keep an eye out for. From venomous snakes to spiders, centipedes, ants, and even, yes, monsters, America has it all. Some of these creatures are more dangerous than others but getting stung by any one of them is, at the very least, a very unpleasant and painful experience.

Image: Timothy Dykes

Venomous Snakes

You have heard of the rattlesnake, right? There are 16 members of this family of venomous snakes alone in the United States. That is one dangerous family if you ask me. Aside from those, you can also bump into a coral, a cottonmouth, and a copperhead snake, all in the same country, all venomous too.

Unfortunately, snakebite victims often don’t know a snake has bitten them until it is too late. The best strategy is to not get bitten in the first place but, if you are bitten, you should get to an emergency room as soon as possible. Try not to move the bitten limb as this increases blood flow and spreads the venom faster throughout your body.

Image: Dan LeFebvre

Black Widow and Recluse Spiders

Lucky for us, out of the 3,000 plus species of spiders that can be found in the United States, only 2 are known to be venomous. Those are the Recluse Spider and the infamous Black Widow.

If not treated in due time, Black Widows and recluse spiders are especially dangerous and even deadly to children, the elderly, and the sick. Luckily, these spiders are mostly rare to encounter. Nonetheless, you should always remain vigilant, particularly when it comes to Black Widows. These dangerous creatures tend to live in closer proximity to humans and their bites are extremely painful and can have long-lasting consequences.

Image: Lena Taranenko

Hornets, Bees, and Wasps

What is worse than a venomous creature? A venomous creature that flies! Hornets, wasps, and bees kill far more Americans each year than any other animal. Understandably, most of these deaths are due to allergies, but this shouldn’t diminish the risk, as the majority of victims likely did not know they were allergic in the first place.

One of the most dangerous species, killer bees, also known as Africanized Bees, attack in swarms, often with devastating results. Upon any detection of a threat to their hive, an individual can be chased for up to a quarter of a mile. Although the venom from an individual sting is not considered to be particularly potent, simultaneous stings can lead to excess swelling, pain, and potential death if the recipient is allergic to bee stings.

Image: Mohsen Bagherzadeh


One of the most menacing-looking creatures around, the scorpion is an arachnid with a venomous sting. Its weapon of choice is its stinger on the end of its tail, used to inject venom into un-expecting enemies or predators.

Moreover, scorpions are also equipped with pincers, though these cannot cause substantial damage to a human; it is considered to be the case that the smaller the pincers, the stronger the venom, so watch out for miniature claws in the summer. When it comes to particular members of the species, the Arizona Bark Scorpion is the most potent one in the USA and carries a potentially lethal sting.

Image: Leon Pauleikhoff

Gila Monster

A creature with an epic name if we ever saw one, the Gila Monster is the only venomous lizard in the United States. And, even though they are venomous, Gila Monsters rely more on their powerful crushing jaws to subdue their prey.

If you happen to find a Gila Monster, observe this dangerous animal from a safe distance.

Though it isn’t fatal, the Gila Monster’s bite is excruciatingly painful. These lizards have small, razor-sharp teeth that dig into the skin and inject their venom. The effects can last for hours or days, depending on how much venom someone is exposed to.

Image: David Clode

Colorado River Toad

A toad with a psychedelic reputation, the Colorado River Toad releases a venom that is illegally harvested and used as a hallucinogenic drug, and it is even classified as a controlled substance.

It is also dangerous to most animals and large dogs who accidentally eat them have been known to be paralyzed or even die from the poison. Never handle this toad with your bare hands, and keep your pets away from them as well.

Image: Jaunathan Gagnon


A nasty little creature, the tick is one of the most dangerous animals in the United States. While ticks sometimes live indoors, they’re most commonly found in grassy or wooded areas with water nearby. They wait on tall grasses for a host to pass, then jump onto the living creature and attach to start feeding.

These insects are considered dangerous because they can spread disease when they pierce the skin. Although there isn’t a hard and fast rule, it’s accepted that the longer a tick is attached, the higher the risk of infection. If you notice a tick on your skin, you should remove it with a tick key, wash the area with soap and water, and contact your doctor.

Image: Adrian Siaril

Kissing Bugs

Don’t be fooled by their colorful appearance, there is nothing nice about these insects. Kissing Bugs gets its name from the habit of biting near their victims’ mouths. These insects carry a parasite that causes Chagas disease. Although it’s treatable in its early stages, if an infection is left untreated, it can cause a chronic, lifelong illness.

Initial symptoms of this disease include fever, fatigue, body aches, headache, rash, loss of appetite, diarrhea, and vomiting. One of the easiest ways to prevent Kissing Bug bites is to use mosquito netting and insect repellent while you’re in areas where these insects live. Also, make sure to follow up with a doctor if you notice bites or sores around your mouth and nose.

Image: James Wainscoat

Common Desert Centipede

Centipedes are one of the strangest-looking insects and many people fear them because of their aspect. The Common Desert Centipede is a pale orangey-brown color with lateral black stripes. It’s best to avoid this centipede in the United States.

The bite of the Common Desert Centipede is one of the most painful bites possible from an arthropod. Much worse than a wasp sting, it has been compared to the Bullet Ant Sting and will almost certainly send you to the emergency room. The venom spreads after the initial bite, and the pain worsens until you seek treatment.

Image: Viktor Talashuk

Fire Ants

The name itself is not the most reassuring one. Fire ants are a group of stinging ants made up of over 200 individual species, all of which sting, with varying levels of pain. Additionally, they’re more aggressive than other ant species.

These insects form large colonies and usually eat insects, plants, and flowers. However, if their nests are disturbed, they won’t hesitate to swarm and sting large animals, including humans. Unfortunately, their stings are quite painful and are often compared to the feeling of being burned by an open flame.

Image: oktavianus mulyadi