Are You A Fan Of Tailgating? 10 American Traditions You Probably Follow!

Traditions are important as they serve as a testament to one’s culture and heritage. Despite the diverse nations and cultures coexisting within our country, American traditions are quite strong and challenging to evade.

Have you ever had a backyard barbecue or eagerly anticipated the Thanksgiving parade sitting on your couch next to your loved ones? This is evidence of your deep-rooted American identity and here we are to see ten of those customs that make us who we are. Are you ready?

Image: frank mckenna

Backyard Barbecues

You say American, you smell a barbecue, isn’t that right? Backyard barbecues are probably one of the most American traditions there is and it is all about that summer fun we all love!

Casual gatherings on a hot summer day to grill some meat is a favorite pastime for all. Adults chat while grilling some burgers or hot dogs, and the kids play. Everyone has fun!

This tradition, like many others, is about good food, good company, and having a great day outdoors.

Image: Maude Frédérique Lavoie

Gameday Tailgating

Pre-game events? Isn’t the game enough? A tailgate party is a social event held on and around the open tailgate of a vehicle. Tailgating often involves consuming alcoholic beverages and grilling food.

Hours before kickoff, fans tailgatein the parking lot with burgers on the grill and a football to toss. It is a fan gathering, a get-together to celebrate your team and get you in high spirits for the game ahead!

Image: Scott Madore

Family Game Nights

All it takes are those simple traditions, and sometimes they are the best traditions. A night of family games is an ideal opportunity to spend a few hours around the table having quality time with the ones you love.

Board games, card games, or even video games! It all comes down to bonding, some good-natured rivalry, and some potentially-not-very-serious debates on how to interpret the rules.

Image: Stephen Harlan

Turkeys Pardon

If you don’t comply with many national traditions, this is one you definitely can’t evade. Thanksgiving has many rituals surrounding the holiday, but probably the most bizarre one is the ceremony by means of which the president officially grants a live turkey their pardon.

This is exactly as it sounds, traditionally, the president is gifted a turkey whose life is spared from the stove. The origins of this tradition are disputed but, regardless of who was the first to do so, this tradition continues today and it is one of the things that make Thanksgiving an amazing holiday!

Image: Claudio Schwarz

Black Friday Shopping

The end of the year can easily become a chaotic time with all the gifts one has to get ready. Just as thousands of turkeys go unpardoned by the president, many shoppers take time to find the right Christmas gifts for their loved ones. The national weekend shopping kicks off with Black Friday, a day in which sales are high and shoppers are on alert. This shopping spree continues with Small Business Saturday and ends with Cyber Monday.

However this is one tradition that can escalate rather quickly, haven’t we all witnessed deadly stampedes or frantic arguments to get that one item?


Baby Showers

Celebrating a new child is customary in many cultures. All over the world babies to come are honored in many ways, but the American way is something else.

Baby showers are the traditional way to celebrate the mother and the child. They are gatherings in which friends and family "shower" the mother with gifts for the baby to come. It is worth noting that this tradition has evolved and it includes gender reveals now too.

Thanks to social media and the quick spread of news, baby showers have become a tradition in many countries now, but it all started in America!

Image: Ajeet Singh

Supersized Food

You’ve surely been to McDonalds or Starbucks, have you ever stopped and thought about how they offer you different sizes of food and cups? Why is that?

Well, this is already embedded in the American DNA. In our country, fast food or takeaway orders come in different sizes. And that is not all, the smaller size is not small at all; and the biggest is exactly as the title says, supersized.

This practice can be traced to the 70s when marketing directors saw a way to sell more for lower prices. This tradition became customary in many countries too, but each nation adapted their sizes to their customers.

Image: Visual Karsa


Halloween is a festive time, customs come out and decorations get put up. Many cultures follow these traditions, but America is different in that children in our country go on a door-to-door hunt for candy. But that is not all, the practice is not complete until a child says "Trick or treat!"

Lovely as they are to see, the magic words are a requirement to get those precious pieces of candy they will later enjoy with their friends and family. They only have to hope the giver doesn’t require a trick from them!

Image: Nick Fewings

Display Of National Symbols

If you are one to watch movies often, we have a challenge for you: try and spot the American flag in the movie you’re watching. No, we don’t work in the film industry, we know for a fact that American pride is shown in many ways, and displaying the American flag is probably the most common one.

Houses all over the country display a flag, American movies have at least one scene in which you can spot it, and the colors dress thousands of objects in all kinds of celebrations. Is there a flag in your front yard?

Image: Serena T

Road Trips

Americans are hard workers, but like everyone else, they await those well-deserved holidays to get their feet up and chill out. Regardless of the available budget, which may vary from family to family, road trips are highly popular in our nation and they are not so common in other countries.

Mostly because of how vast the American territory is, road trips are the perfect way to travel and see all the wonders the United States has to offer. True Americans go on at least one road trip in their life, have you done it already?

Image: Raphaël LR