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Read this before picking mushrooms: 10 toxic species in America
Mushrooms can be found everywhere—not just deep in the woods but also in our neighborhoods, growing in the little grass patches on our sidewalks, under ornamental bushes and plants, and nearly anywhere else. Their ubiquitous presence is a testament to the evolutionary wonder of fungi in general. While many species can be safely consumed, others are toxic or even lethal. Names like "Death Cap" or "Destroying Angel" are warning enough, but, alas, nature does not provide little tags with the names we humans assign to things. Therefore, having a general knowledge of this subject is always advisable.
Image: Hans Veth
Death Cap (Amanita phalloides)
The first mushroom in our list is also the most toxic in the world. It was originally found only in Europe until imported trees transported it to America and everywhere else. Over time, Death Caps adapted to native trees, enhancing their ability to proliferate.
These unassuming-looking mushrooms have tinted green caps, white stems, white gills, and a white partial veil. They grow around oak, beech, chestnut, birches, hornbeams, spruce, and pine. Death Caps fruit in summer through fall underneath these trees, and are responsible for more than 90% of all mushroom poisonings and fatalities worldwide.
Image: Rémi Müller
Destroying Angel (Amanita bisporigera)
Another member of the Amanita species with an ominous name, the Destroying Angel is the number one toxic mushroom in North America and is extremely widespread. Its all-white cap and stem often lead to mistaken identity with button mushrooms and meadow mushrooms.
The Destroying Angel grows from a white volva egg-like sac, features gills, and has a tall, slender stem. Its stems typically range from 3 to 8 inches in length, making it stand out in the forest like an all-white apparition. None of the common lookalikes grow this tall.
Image: Sai Kiran Belana
Funeral Bell (Galerina marginata)
The Funeral Bell appears somewhat harmless, and most poisonings are from mistaken identification. This "little brown mushroom" closely resembles several edible species, including the widespread Sheathed Woodtuft.
Funeral Bells grow on rotting wood, preferring conifer species, though they are not limited to them. They are found across North America, Asia, Australia, and Europe. This mushroom features a cone-shaped brown cap, light brown gills, and a tan to rusty-brown stem. A key distinguishing feature is a membranous ring around the upper part of the stem.
Image: Lucas van Oort
Pholiotina rugosa (previously Conocybe filaris)
A common lawn mushroom prevalent in the Pacific Northwest, this deadly fungus contains amatoxins, which destroy the liver and can cause death. Pholiotina rugosa is slender, petite, and rather innocent-looking. The cap is smooth, brown, and conical, with rusty brown gills underneath. The stem is also brown and features a distinctive, prominent ring around the middle—a key identification feature.
This deadly mushroom isn’t picky about habitat. It will grow on the lawn, soil, compost, and woodchips. P. rugosa is easily transported to new locations through woodchip and compost deliveries and adapts to new environments with little trouble.
Image: Kadri Võsumäe
Fool’s Funnel (Clitocybe rivulosa)
Fool’s Funnel grows across North America in meadows, lawns, and other grassy areas from summer through autumn. It often grows in fairy rings, and accidental consumption by children or pets is a significant concern. These toxic mushrooms are small, white, and benign-looking. The caps are white and funnel-shaped, with crowded white gills underneath. Fool’s Funnel stems are also white and lack distinctive markings.
While this fungus rarely causes death, its ingestion will cause severe pain. This mushroom contains high levels of muscarine which acts as a nerve agent when ingested.
Image: Hoejin Iwai
Deadly Webcap (Cortinarius rubellus)
Another mushroom with a foreboding name, the Deadly Webcap, is found in coniferous and mixed forests across North America. It contains a toxin called orellanine, which can cause severe kidney failure when ingested.
The Deadly Webcap bears a close resemblance to edible species like the Chanterelle, making it especially dangerous for foragers.
Image: Markus Spiske
False Morel (Gyromitra esculenta)
As the name implies, the False Morel is a toxic mushroom closely resembling the highly prized Morel mushroom. It contains a toxin called gyromitrin, which can cause severe gastrointestinal symptoms, seizures, and even death if ingested in large quantities.
There are multiple species of False Morels, and current evidence suggests that many are safe to eat, while Gyromitra esculenta should still be foraged with caution. Many people consume this mushroom, but only with proper preparation. This is not a mushroom you can simply sauté and eat; proper preparation is necessary to remove most of the toxins, making it "safe.
Image: jaStra
Common Conecap (Pholiotina rugosa)
This small brown mushroom contains the same deadly amatoxins found in the Death Cap and Destroying Angel. It is commonly found on or around wood mulch, particularly in landscaped areas. Its tendency to appear in yards makes it especially dangerous. Ingesting even a small amount of this toxic fungus can result in severe illness or death.
Image: Oliver Fetter
Amanita Muscaria
Probably the most recognizable mushroom shape in the world is Amanita muscaria. Its stereotypical toadstool stands out in the woods thanks to its bright red cap with white spots and a white stem. These mushrooms are considered toxic and can cause pain but are unlikely to cause death.
Few mushrooms share the same scarlet hue that makes them so visible in green and brown underbrush. The white bumps on the cap also create a distinct, eye-catching pattern.
Image: Егор Камелев
Green-Spored Parasol
Known as "the vomiter" for the effects it can have on anyone who consumes it, the Green-Spored Parasol has the same general shape as the Death Cap and Destroying Angel. Its stem is tall and thin, with a skirt that sits just under the cap. This cap ranges from rounded downward to wide and flat, depending on the mushroom’s age.
The symptoms from its ingestion range from extreme stomach irritation to bloody diarrhea, as well as the aforementioned vomiting. Therefore, caution is advised.
Image: Timothy Dykes