Which is the most widespread bear in North America?
Black bears in your area? 10 tips about what to do and what not to do

Different species of bears have lived in America for much longer than humans and continue to do so, sometimes even near urban areas. People who live in areas where black bears can be found should know how to act to stay safe and avoid harming the bears, which are mostly just confused and hungry. Take a look at the following 10 tips and remember them. This is the kind of information that can save your life or, at the very least, save you some trouble.
Image: Dre Erwin
Stand and face the bear
If a black bear approaches you, stand your ground and face it directly. Never run away from or approach it. The bear is most likely just as surprised as you are and will avoid getting into a fight. If the animal sees that you don’t flee, it will simply walk away looking for an easier, less crowded direction.
Image: Robert Thiemann
Appear big
A trick often employed in nature by animals and insects that need to deter bigger creatures is to make themselves appear larger by any means necessary. The same tactic should be employed if you encounter a black bear. Make yourself look as big as possible by spreading your arms or, better yet, using a coat if you have one at hand.
Image: Tristan Frank
Make some noise
No other animal in nature can create noises like a human can. Either screaming at the top of your lungs or banging on a pan, the kind of noise you can produce is extremely startling for almost any animal, including bears, which will leave you alone as soon as they can.
Image: Isabel Lee
Keep bear spray at hand
Bear spray is a highly effective deterrent against black bears. If a bear approaches and you have bear spray, don't hesitate to use it. The animal will find the whole ordeal extremely unpleasant and will flee immediately.
Image: Michael Anfang
Fight back
In the extremely rare event of a black bear trying to attack you, attempt to escape to a secure location. If escape is not possible, fight back using any available object. Focus your blows on the bear's face and muzzle. Never play dead, as this can encourage the bear to continue its attack.
Image: Julia Fiander
Remove what attracted the bear
If you have seen a bear near your home or the area where you are staying, be sure to remove whatever attracted them to the location. This could include a used barbecue grill with leftover grease or meat, a bird feeder, unattended pet food, or garbage.
Image: Susan Elizabeth Jones
Alert your neighbors
If you have seen bears or any signs of their presence in your area, alert your neighbors. Even if you have taken the necessary precautions to deter the presence of bears, your neighbors might be doing otherwise if they are not aware of the situation.
Image: Alla Kemelmakher
Keep your pet safe
If you are in an area where black bears, or any bears, are known to exist, always check for their presence before letting your dog, cat, or any other pet go outside. If a bear is in the vicinity, create a safe, enclosed space where your pet can retreat. If possible, move your pet indoors quickly and calmly, keeping them away from windows or doors where they could attract the bear's attention.
Image: Camerauthor Photos
Give the bear an escape route
If you encounter a bear in your area, follow the advice mentioned earlier and always make sure to leave an escape route for the bear to leave easily. If the animal feels cornered, there is a much bigger chance of getting into an aggressive situation.
Image: Bruce Warrington
Airtight containers
Make sure to store garbage in secure, airtight containers inside a garage or other enclosed storage area. Adding ammonia to trash cans and bags will help reduce odors that attract bears. Also, clean garbage cans with ammonia at least once a week to eliminate residual odors.
Do not store recyclables on a porch or in a screened sunroom, as bears can smell these items and will rip through screens to get to them. Place garbage outside only on the morning of collection, not the night before.
Image: Marcus Urbenz