10 Weird Laws in the United States that Still Exist Today

Ever since the beginning of the nation, America has stood out for many reasons and it has adapted to societal changes and technological advances. People are not the same today as they were back in the 18th century, for example. This only makes it more shocking to learn that some laws in the country are as old as that or even older and they are still operating today!

Due to its state configuration, laws and regulations are sometimes left to each state. From the prohibition of driving blindfolded to no sweets for people over 14, let’s go through the dumb, the weird, and the bizarre!

Image: Tingey Injury Law Firm

Alabama - Driving Regulations

We have all tried to ride a bike with no hands when we were kids. You probably got to the point of taking the challenge one step further and driving with no hands on an empty road. Now, driving blindfolded is a bit extreme, right?

Alabama has a law that forbids drivers from driving blindfolded and that is not all, drivers aren’t allowed to drive if they can’t see what’s to the sides or in front of them. Now, if the law exists, that must mean it was needed at some point, right?

Image: Ed 259

Louisiana - Pizza Party

Sending gifts is a great way to say "I love you" or "I’m sorry." Whatever the situation, we’ve seen it a million times: a knock on the door, a pizza delivery guy handing a pizza box, and a cheesy, but loving message as a topping: "I love you."

Well, if those were your plans but you live in Louisiana, you might as well think twice before you do it. This state has a law that forbids inhabitants from sending unsolicited pizza, no matter how considerate this gesture might be. If you do, be ready to pay a $500 fine. How much is your love worth?

Image: Kelvin T

Virginia - Halloween Arrangement

All across America, when October comes, millions of people get their costumes ready for the spookiest night of the year. And we are not talking only children here. How many Adults-only Halloween parties have you been to?

However, the Halloween fun is limited in Chesapeake City, Virginia. Dress up all you want and party all night long, but don’t you dare go trick-or-treating alone if you are over 14. Not because you might get haunted by ghosts, but because the law forbids you. And for the under-14s you know, let them know they have to be home by 8 pm according to the curfew. Quite a bummer, huh?

Image: Szabó János

South Caroline - Pinball Limitations

Ah, to be young and play games again, right? The possibilities were endless, board games, card games, pinball… Well, not anymore, not for everyone, at least!

In South Carolina, pinball is forbidden for people over 18 years of age. And it has nothing to do with maturity, it is not that they don’t allow the fun in adults. The reason behind this regulation has to do with the fact that the game is considered addictive and dangerous for some reason we can’t figure out! Can you imagine what it is? If this sounds bizarre, wait until you read the next one!

Image: Senad Palic

Vermont - Permission to Get Teeth Done

Now, this is where America gets a bit bizarre. For a very long time, women have needed men’s permission to get all sorts of things done around the house and about their health. But as we said, society has changed and America has adapted to those improvements.

Surprising as it may be, Vermont has a law that requires women to ask for their husband’s permission before they get false teeth. You heard that right!

It must have been a surprise for the government itself as it is a law that is not enforced anymore, but it still hasn’t been overturned!

Image: engin akyurt

Kentucky - Marriage restrictions

Speaking of husbands and wives, Kentucky must have seen the weirdest things when it came to marriages. That is fair, relationships are a complex business.

You fall in love and you get married. You fall out of love and you get a divorce. But love, funny thing, huh? You might fall back in love and want to get married again to the same person. Well, that is about it in Kentucky.

The state’s legislators have limited marriage so that no man can marry the same woman more than three times. This is just bizarre, even if you were allowed to do so, why would you? Right?

Image: Samantha Gades

Oregon - Cemeteries Are Off the Limits

Hunting is a very much praised activity in the United States. However, for different reasons, such as animal protection or nature conservation, some aspects of the hobby have been banned across the country.

In the state of Oregon, for example, you cannot hunt within the limits of a cemetery. Now, this sounds just about right, doesn’t it? After all, it is sacred soil. Well, as morally obvious as this may sound, the case of a specific hunter carrying his business in a cemetery led legislators to forbid the activity. Wait for it, this is nothing compared to the last prohibition!

Image: Sandy Millar

Ohio - Mind Your Gas

Driving can be quite soothing, although it requires a high level of attention. You must check your tires, turn the lights on, and place the mirrors in the right position. And of course, you have to get the tank full before anything else.

Even if it seems quite unlikely that anyone would run out of gas intentionally, Youngstown, Ohio has a law that forbids drivers from running out of gas. If this happens, it is considered a misdemeanor offense. Running out of gas in the middle of your driving is bad enough, add a ticket to it!

Image: Juan Fernandez

Indiana - Horses Are Just Horses

Even if these majestic animals were used for transportation for a very long time, we can all agree that they have served their purpose and now is time to let them be. Well, Indiana must have been a place where this wasn’t the case until a law forbidding horse racing was passed.

The law actually says that horse-based travels are not allowed to run over 100mph. Even if the reasons are not so clear, one can only assume this was a nuisance for the inhabitants of the state.

Image: Holly Mandarich

Arizona - Donkeys Belong Elsewhere

This article comes to an end with what is, probably, the weirdest law of them all and it involves bathtubs and donkeys. Just saying it sounds bizarre.

Back in the 1920s, a very much-pampered donkey sleeping in a bathtub caused a home to flood. Don’t worry! The animal made it, although it didn’t quite notice as it was asleep the whole time.

Now, as a consequence, Arizona still has a law that forbids donkeys from sleeping in a bathtub in an attempt to avoid such an occurrence repeating itself! You better go buy a proper bed for your donkey now!

Image: Erwan Hesry